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Fish Type: Cod     Price: $16.00

Overall, I would recommend this Fish Fry.

Fish Score: Good
Potato Score: Good
Tartar Score: Good
Bread Score: Poor
Miscellaneous Score: Good

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Comment: Between bruised ribs, late hockey practices, and people leaving town for the weekend, it was a perfect night for curbside and North and South certainly delivered.

I went for the Madtown Taste of Three, and of the cod, haddock, and perch, I think the batter worked best on the cod.

The fries did the job, the tartar added a perfect punch, and the mac-n-cheese, while not traditional, was a spectacular addition. Overall, it was pretty darn good and barely suffered from its five-ish minutes in transit.
6602 Mineral Point Road
Madison, WI 53705

(608) 829-0093